Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not forget to call my grandmother and let her know I was on my way with Alex for her to take him to school.

I did not laugh at the mom breaking up a fight between her 2 little boys. After all it would never be my boys fighting in public.

I did not give Eian my cell phone playing Wild Thing to get him to stop crying.

I have not been on DiaperSwappers looking for good ideas for my up coming store. Thats just wrong.

I did not spend $13 a yard for Minky Fabric to make the boys blankets last week, and I most certainly did not buy a yard of 2 different colors.

I am not planning to spend the night with Joel tonight. Even if it was just so he could take Alex to school.

I do not look at craigslist 4-5 times a day. What I'm not cheap.

I am not letting Alex sit in his shirt and underwear and play the Nintendo DS and watch cartoons.

I also am not letting Eian run around in an unbuttoned onesie and over shirt, diaper, and one sock. Crazy I know who would ever do that.

I did not forget to go get Eian's dirty diapers from Joel's house yesterday to wash them.

Eian is not in a disposable diaper because I did not do the above statment.

I do not have 6 websites up at once.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

well sitting playing nintedo sound like fun to me great not me monday