Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Look For the New Year

Ok after playing around all day. I finally have it. My new bloggy look. Whatcha think?

I'll get xmas pictures of the boys up tomorrow. I promise. They had a great Xmas and made out like crazy my house is a mess and we are having our annual group get together next Saturday so I gotta get cleaning.


christine said...

Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Viel freude und Gesundheit.
LG von Christine und Robert

Debbie said...

I LOVE the new look!!! It's perfect! Now, come over and tell me how to make mine so cute!!! I'm still getting things together for ya!!


Dawn said...

I just used the coding that was already on here and just changed the pictures it was using lol.