Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mother's Day Night Snuggle

Mother's Day was good. I enjoyed myself. My mom had gotten me a gift from the boys and they had signed the card. We ate at mama's then went to my grandparents and had icecream cake. Yummy. Eian wasn't feeling too good. He had a tummy ache. *We just switched him from Lactose free milk to Whole milk to see if he handled it ok* Couple gas drops and he was better.
Last night before bed we all had a good snuggle and watched a movie*Scooby Doo* with the Afghan

A & E With the Afghan

E snuggling with his lion and the Afghan

My little E *he might be teething again*

A watching TV and E watching A

Me and E snuggled up for A to take the Pix.

1 comment:

My name is Sarah said...

ah so cute. Cool, you have the afghan.